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Canada-Kazakhstan Business Forum on cooperation in the mining sector organised alongside PDAC in Toronto attracted over 150 participants and provided a backdrop for signing MoUs with the between Kazakhmys Barlau and First Quantum for geological exploration projects in Kazakhstan, and with Bureau Veritas to create an international geochemical laboratory in Kazakhstan.

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Almas Aidarov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan values long-term cooperation with Canada, built on strong bonds of friendship, shared values, and support, emphasizing that the country is Canada’s largest trade and investment partner in Central Asia.

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Iran Sharkhan, Vice-Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Iran Sharkhan emphasizes the importance of meetings with major international companies, which will contribute to the development of green hydrogen generation, investment attraction, and the adoption of the latest technologies in mining exploration.

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Canadian Senator Right Honourable Victor Oh

Canadian Senator Victor Oh discusses the importance of promoting bilateral trade and cultural exchange between the two countries.

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Lisa McDonald, Executive Director, PDAC

The PDAC hosts an annual convention where over 100 countries participate, and this year, Kazakhstan has a pavilion in the trade show for the first time.

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One major trend that is observed in the Global Mining Industry is the rise of the importance and understanding of minerals and metals, particularly critical minerals and metals, to the transition to a low-carbon future and economy. The Canadian government is investing more money than ever before in the industry and sector, recognising that the transition to a low-carbon future cannot happen without the minerals and metals needed to accomplish this goal. There is a commitment to find and extract these important minerals and metals in the most responsible way possible. These are the key themes that the PDAC wants attendees to take away from the convention.[/vc_toggle]

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Why Kazakhstan: Investment Opportunities for Canadian Business
Zhandos Temirgali – Deputy Chairman of KAZAKHINVEST

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Mining Sector in Kazakhstan: Challenges and Opportunities.
Marcus Rebmann – Global Managing Director, Hatch Advisory

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On the state of Kazakhstan’s mineral resource base.
Yerlan Akbarov – Chairman of the Committee of Geology of Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

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TKS is ready for cooperation
Bakhyt Chirchikbayev – CEO of Tau-Ken Samruk 

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