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Technology session 1

Innovations for Developing a More Intelligent and Efficient Geological Exploration

  • Increasing the reliability of the results of geological and technological testing in the mining and metallurgical industry in Central Asia.
  • Early-stage exploration activities: cost optimisation experience and implementation of modern technologies.
  • Cutting edge airborne geophysical technologies.
  • Driving sustainable practices through drilling Optimisation.
Ivan Livinsky
General director, Director by Geotechnics and Hydrogeology
CMT Consulting Kazakhstan
14:00 - Integration is the key to solving problems in exploration geology

Pavel Babayants
Chief geophysist
14:15 - Modern geological exploration technologies

Ivan Kozyrev
AGT Systems Vostok
14:30 - Modern geophysical equipment for geological exploration from GEODEVICE company

Kirill Bazhin
Geodevice Kazakhstan
14:45 - CHCNAV geotechnical radar application experience

Erick Kanaev
General Director
15:00 - Describing services of Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories

Emil Churmukov
Chief Chemist
Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories