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Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Food Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan, Samat Nasiridinov, spoke at the opening of the MINEX Central Asia geological forum in Bishkek on June 19-20. He highlighted the benefits of the “Carbon Sequestration through Climate Investments in Forests and Pastures” project in Kyrgyzstan.

According to Nasiridinov, the project aims to sequester approximately 19 million tons of carbon, equivalent to 20 years of reduced emissions. This would account for 7.6% of the country’s total emissions and 22.6% of agricultural emissions, contributing to Kyrgyzstan’s national commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The project’s main goal is to increase carbon sequestration by supporting climate investments in forests and pastures, as well as reducing factors that contribute to degradation and emissions. The target regions for the project are Jalal-Abad, Naryn, Ak-Tal, Osh, and Uzgen.

The project’s key components will include strengthening natural resource management using up-to-date data, “green” investments in forests and pastures, and developing value chains and climate monitoring systems.

Nasiridinov noted that the project will improve pasture management on a total area of 614,000 hectares, helping to achieve the target of sequestering 14 million tons of carbon, or approximately 23 tons per hectare of pasture.

Source: Tazabek