Energy, Water and Climate Change Management – addressing critical challenges
Due to faster warming than in other regions of the world, subsoil users in Central Asia will have to implement climate change and water management strategies much earlier. According to Harvard University studies, energy diversification is key to effectively addressing climate change and meeting the region's growing energy demand. Energy resources account for approximately 30% of the total operating costs of mining enterprises. Companies can reduce energy consumption at existing facilities by 15-20% through effective energy management programs and achieve 50% energy savings in the design of new mines. Water is widely used in both underground and surface mining, about 40% in ore processing, about 40% in tailings dams and about 20% in dust control. To ensure the sustainability of mining and processing across the region, mining enterprises must develop water and climate management programs and integrate best available practices and technologies. To encourage investment in renewable energy sources, local governments should provide long-term assurances and extended planning timelines.