Arthur Poliakov


Founder and Executive Chairman

Arthur has over 30 years of experience in business communications and the organisation of international events in Europe, Asia and North America.

Educated in Ukraine as a Russian & English Teacher and Educational Psychologist, in 1992 Arthur moved to the UK where he found his new home and turned his passion for Public Relations into a lifetime career.

After gaining management experience at various international media, training and events companies, in 2003 Arthur established Advantix Limited – an international firm specialising in organising events and managing communication projects for Natural Resources and Capital Markets. Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Advantix Ltd has a subsidiary in Kazakhstan. In 2004 Advantix established MINEX Forum – a trademark events and networking platform aimed at highlighting mining development across the Eurasian continent and beyond. Presently MINEX Forum network connects over 50,000 people whose professional interests are aligned with the mining and exploration industries.

Arthur believes that many of today’s issues are the result of misunderstanding and lack of leadership and can be resolved by targeted communications, education and thinking outside of the box. These principles have been successfully implemented at various events and projects undertaken by Advantix Ltd over the past 20 years.

19 June 2024 / 09:00 - 09:30 | Grand Ballroom

Welcome on behalf of MINEX Forum