Marilyn Josefson


EU Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic
EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan

Nationality: Swedish

Professional experience:
09.2022 | Present
Ambassador/Head of Delegation of the European Union to Kyrgyzstan

09.2018 | 09.2022
Ambassador/Head of Delegation of the European Union to Tajikistan

01.2016 | 09.2018
Deputy PSC-Ambassador
Nicolaidis Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Brussels, Belgium

03.2014 | 10.2016
Head of Office-Political Advisor to Secretary General/Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs of the European External Action Service Ms Helga Maria Schmid
Brussels, Belgium

06.2012 | 03.2014
International Policy Officer on Zimbabwe sanctions of the European External Action Service
Brussels, Belgium

08.2011 | 05.2012
Head of Trade Promotion, Head of Admin/Finance Department
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Sweden
Hague, Netherlands

08.2010 | 07.2010
Political Advisor
DPA/BCPR UN/INDP Representative’s office
Kiev/Crimea, Ukraine

Academic qualifications:
1996 | 2002
Master in Social Science
University of Karlstad, Sweden

Language Skills:
Ø Swedish (Mother tongue)
Ø English (fluent)
Ø French (fluent)
Ø Portuguese (good communication skills)
Ø Spanish (basic communication skills)

19 June 2024 / 09:00 - 09:30 | Grand Ballroom

Welcome on behalf of the EU delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic