Narynbek Satybaldiev


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Narynbek Satybaldiev is an experienced specialist in the mining and technical field with over 20 years of experience working in various organizations and holding managerial positions. He currently serves as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC "Kyrgyzaltyn," where he is responsible for the strategic management and development of the company. Concurrently, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Automation, and Geomechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Narynbek Satybaldiev obtained a higher education in mining engineering and defended his dissertation to earn the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD Mining Engineering). His academic achievements are supported by significant contributions to scientific research, reflected in more than 10 scientific and analytical articles dedicated to the development of the mining, metallurgical, and hydro-energy industries of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Plenary Session 3
19 June 2024 / 14:00 - 16:00 | Grand Ballroom

Kyrgyzaltyn: Achievements, prospects

Starting from 2023 Kyrgyzaltyn has obtained licenses for geological exploration and deposit development. Additionally, the company has established subsidiaries to exploit new deposits, and substantial investments have been allocated to ensure efficient operation and expedited development of new subsoil use facilities. A noteworthy project initiated under his leadership is the construction of a workshop for the production of measured ingots at the Refinery branch in the city of Kara-Balta, Chui region. Furthermore, a project to establish a transport and logistics center in the city of Balykchy, located in the Yssyk-Kul region, was successfully implemented. Considerable efforts were devoted to managing joint ventures, resulting in a net profit of 12.6 billion soms for Kyrgyzaltyn in 2023, a threefold increase from 2022. Dividend payments also rose from 2.8 billion soms in 2022 to 9.7 billion soms in 2023. All branches of the company concluded 2023 with a net profit. Kyrgyzaltyn continues to pursue high performance in the realm of state property management.