Valery Rogalsky
Chief geologist
Kyrgyz National Reporting Organization
More than 35 years of experience in geology, experience in managing geological services of both Russian and foreign companies, work experience in Russia (Karelia, Krasnoyarsk, Chukotka, Magadan Region, Yakutia) and abroad (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, etc.). Many years of experience in performing assessments of mineral resources and ore reserves in accordance with JORC requirements, as well as reserve calculations in accordance with the requirements of the GKZ (State Reserves Committee), participation in technical audits as an expert. Author of 32 scientific articles and reports on the methodology of prospecting and exploration of deposits of gold and non-ferrous metals, assessment of resources and reserves. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Expert of KOEN and OERN.
Anthropogenic deposits as input of the Kyrgyz Republic to just transition