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Kazakhstan began to import more cars from the UK, but less medicines, LS reports.

In the first month of this year, the two countries traded $116.7 million (+1.6 times).

Imports from the United Kingdom in January 2023 compared to January 2022 increased by 3.1 times and amounted to $37.4 million. The list of imported goods includes bulldozers – by $2.2 million, medicines – by $2.4 million, measuring and control devices – $1.9 million, cars – $3.8 million and alcoholic beverages – $3.9 million.

Silver has been the UK’s main export for many years. In January 2023, Kazakhstan sent it for $59.9 million, which is 45.9% more than a year earlier.

In addition to silver, Kazakhstan sold copper for $12.1 million, ferroalloys for $957.4 thousand, oxides and hydroxides of chromium for $2.1 million, and alcohol for $3.8 million.

In general, the volume of exports in January 2023 reached $79.2 million, which is 27.4% more than in January 2022.

The infographic provides more detailed information on trade between Kazakhstan and the UK.

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