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The resource allows subsoil users to get all the necessary information about the desired area – from the adjacent infrastructure to geological and geophysical reports

The subsoil use platform already contains 30,000 geological reports. In 2023, at least 24,000 more reports will add to the knowledge map. New functions will also be developed to monitor the fulfillment of license and contract conditions, reports with reference to the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The ministry explains that the platform is designed to provide access to geological information, distribution of licensed areas, as well as reporting and monitoring the activities of subsoil users.

“Previously, all processes, from studying geological reports to obtaining licenses and submitting annual reports, were carried out on paper. In addition, there were numerous corruption risks and errors due to insufficient data for verification. Now subsoil users and potential investors have access to a complete picture of the requested area, from the adjacent infrastructure to past geological and geophysical reports in electronic format,” the Ministry said.

The platform is already working on accepting applications, reviewing and issuing a license for the exploration and production of solid minerals. Along with online admission, applications submitted in paper form are also registered.

“This ensures transparency of observance of the rights of subsoil users to obtain access to subsoil according to the principle “First come – first received”, provided for in the Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use,” the ICRIAP RK emphasizes.

Also, according to the developers, the automatic tools of the platform instantly show intersecting conflicts of nature management. It is possible to select areas where exploration or mining is allowed or prohibited in accordance with the law through a single window.

The department notes that new functions are being developed for the platform. Its introduction into commercial operation is scheduled for May 2023, so now we are collecting proposals for improving and developing functionality, which will be taken into account in the further development of services.

Recall that the subsoil use platform was developed under the leadership of the ICRIAP RK with the participation of JSC “NC “Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary” and the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development on behalf of the President.

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