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The MINEX Central Asia 2024 Forum was held in Bishkek, following which delegates from seven countries were invited to visit the Kumtor Gold Company.

In 2018, when a similar event was held in the capital for the first time, participants were unable to visit the mine. This year, they were invited to tour the facility.

Arthur Poliakov, the chairman and founder of the international MINEX forum, shared that the delegates were impressed by the production process, the strict approach to selecting visitors, and their medical examinations. Several people were rejected due to health issues. The company’s management takes safety issues very responsibly. The production process itself was also very informative, as it was revealed that, in addition to open-pit mining, underground methods will be implemented, extending the life of the mine.

Mr. Poliakov particularly noted that Kumtor Gold Company was one of the most active subsoil users at the MINEX Central Asia 2024 forum.

Reference: The MINEX Central Asia 2024 mining and geological forum is held annually in one of the Central Asian republics, aiming to enhance cross-regional and international cooperation in the sustainable development of the Central Asian Altaids mineral belt riches and assisting with the transition to climate neutrality, social and economic growth.
