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Polymetal‘s decision to consider changing its legal registration from Jersey to Kazakhstan comes as no surprise. With gold prices on the rise, the company is looking to capitalize on the favourable tax regime and investment opportunities that the AIFC offers. This move could help the company reduce costs, increase efficiency, and boost shareholder returns. Furthermore, it could also provide Polymetal with an advantage over its competitors, who may not be able to take advantage of the same advantages. It remains to be seen whether Polymetal will go through with the move. However, the company‘s decision to evaluate the process is a positive sign, and investors should keep a close eye on the company‘s Investor Day for more information on the potential move. Overall, the company‘s fourthquarter results and its decision to consider redomiciling in Kazakhstan have been wellreceived by investors. The combination of these two events has caused Polymetal‘s shares to rise in price, and the stock looks set to remain on an upward trajectory in the near future.

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