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Plenary Session 1

Drivers of the mining and metallurgical industry development in Central Asia in the new economic and geopolitical realities

Attracting foreign investment and implementing cutting-edge technologies are essential for maintaining competitiveness in the mining sector. Given that only a fraction of the metals mined in Central Asia are processed locally, the future of the mining industry in the region is tied to the establishment of "industrial hubs," technology parks, and free economic zones. The session will offer a platform to showcase projects aimed at developing value-added production in Central Asian countries and to discuss the prospects for international trade and economic relations.

Tim Lucks
Managing Director, Corporate Consultant (Project Evaluation)
SRK Consulting (UK)
09:30 - The mining complex is an integral part of the economy of Kyrgyzstan

Daniyar Amangeldiev
Ministry of economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic
09:45 - The Prospects and Scenarios for sustainable development of the Mining and Metals Industry in the Kyrgyz Republic

Melis Turgunbaev
Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyz Republic
10:00 - Subsoil use in Kazakhstan

Iran Sharkhan
Ministry of industry and construction Republic of Kazakhstan
10:15 - Opportunities for greener practices in the mining sector in Central Asia

Peline Atamer
Head of Unit
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
10:30 - EBRD Natural Resources

Azamat Ibraimov
Associate Director, Senior Banker
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)