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Technical session 2

Solutions for Improving Production Efficiency and Risk Management in the Mining Industry

Identifying and analysing all technical and non-technical issues can help companies to bring the risks to an acceptable level, reduce the cost of finance and increase the overall value. The session will highlight some of the advanced Risk and Hazard Management assessment tools and technology-driven practices which helped companies to ensure sustainable growth and de-risking investments.

Session sponsor: ErAdia

Dmitry Ermakov
Principal Consultant (Processing Engineer)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
16:00 - Enterprise production system to improve business efficiency: what KPIs and benchmarks need to be used to monitor implementation effectiveness

Oleg Zakharov
Director of Operational Efficiency
16:15 - Geotechnical risk assessment in the Design and Development of Deposits

Ivan Livinsky
General director, Director by Geotechnics and Hydrogeology
CMT Consulting Kazakhstan
16:30 - Improving efficiency and optimising gold extraction processes

Stepan Volkov
Director, Hydrometallurgy
16:45 - Glycine Leaching Technology (GLT)

Adilbek Rustemov
Eurasia Technology Leader
Draslovka Holding
17:00 - Anthropogenic deposits as input of the Kyrgyz Republic to just transition

Valery Rogalsky
Chief geologist
Kyrgyz National Reporting Organization
17:15 - Presentation of the company and its products

Mikhail Kulov
Commercial Director
Talgat Kasymbekov
Deputy Mill Manager
Kumtor Gold Company