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Novotel Bishkek City Center
720010 Kyrgyzstan ­– Bishkek – Manas Avenue, 16

Wednesday, 19 June

Welcome on behalf of MINEX Forum
Founder and Executive Chairman

A welcome speech on behalf of The Government of Kyrgyz Republic
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers
The Head of the President Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic

Welcome on behalf of the British Government
His Majesty Ambassador in Kyrgyz Republic
British Embassy Bishkek

U.S. Priorities in the Kyrgyz Mining Sector
US Ambassador to Kyrgyz Republic
U.S. Embassy Bishkek

Welcome on behalf of the EU delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic
EU Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic
EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan

Plenary Session 1
Drivers of the mining and metallurgical industry development in Central Asia in the new economic and geopolitical realities

Attracting foreign investment and implementing cutting-edge technologies are essential for maintaining competitiveness in the mining sector. Given that only a fraction of the metals mined in Central Asia are processed locally, the future of the mining industry in the region is tied to the establishment of “industrial hubs,” technology parks, and free economic zones. The session will offer a platform to showcase projects aimed at developing value-added production in Central Asian countries and to discuss the prospects for international trade and economic relations.

Managing Director, Corporate Consultant (Project Evaluation)
SRK Consulting (UK)
09:30 - The mining complex is an integral part of the economy of Kyrgyzstan
Ministry of economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic

09:45 - The Prospects and Scenarios for sustainable development of the Mining and Metals Industry in the Kyrgyz Republic
Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyz Republic

10:00 - Subsoil use in Kazakhstan
Ministry of industry and construction Republic of Kazakhstan

10:15 - Opportunities for greener practices in the mining sector in Central Asia
Head of Unit
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

10:30 - EBRD Natural Resources
Associate Director, Senior Banker
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Plenary Session 2
Energy, Water and Climate Change Management – addressing critical challenges 

Due to faster warming than in other regions of the world, subsoil users in Central Asia will have to implement climate change and water management strategies much earlier. According to Harvard University studies, energy diversification is key to effectively addressing climate change and meeting the region’s growing energy demand. Energy resources account for approximately 30% of the total operating costs of mining enterprises. Companies can reduce energy consumption at existing facilities by 15-20% through effective energy management programs and achieve 50% energy savings in the design of new mines. Water is widely used in both underground and surface mining, about 40% in ore processing, about 40% in tailings dams and about 20% in dust control. To ensure the sustainability of mining and processing across the region, mining enterprises must develop water and climate management programs and integrate best available practices and technologies.  To encourage investment in renewable energy sources, local governments should provide long-term assurances and extended planning timelines.

Principal Consultant (Water Management)
SRK Consulting (UK)
11:30 - Aligning the growth of mining in Central Asia with low carbon outcomes
Economist and Policy Analyst
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

11:45 - Why coal is wrong path of long term energy security in the country
Associate Director, Regional Head Energy, Eurasia, Middle East, Africa
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

12:00 - Carbon sequestration through climate investments in forests and pastures in the Kyrgyz Republic
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic

12:15 - Environmental aspects of mining activities
Deputy of Minister
Ministry of natural resources, ecology and technical supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic

12:30 - Water in Mining: Challenges Ahead
Principal Consultant (Water Management)
SRK Consulting (UK)

12:45 - Best available solutions for mineral processing – enhancing productivity and sustainability
Vice President of Capital Sales ECANA

Plenary Session 3
Unleashing Mining Potential: the leading role of mining champions and international investors

Central Asia is emerging as a global mining powerhouse, endowed with abundant rare earth metals and critical materials essential for the energy transition. Leading mining companies in the region are leveraging cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights to optimise operations, enhance efficiency, prioritise sustainability, and navigate challenges, showcasing Central Asia as a frontrunner in the global mining landscape.

Executive Director
International Business Council (IBC)
14:00 - Kyrgyzaltyn: Achievements, prospects
Deputy Chairman of the Board

14:15 - Kumtor Gold Company at the present stage: plans, objectives and prospects
President (Chairman of the Board)
Kumtor Gold Company

14:30 - Bozymchak: investment opportunity success in the Kyrgyz Republic
General Director
KAZ Minerals Bozymchak

14:45 - Tereksay: to make an idea into reality
General Manager
Eti Bakir Tereksay

15:00 - Altynken
Chairman of the Board

15:15 - Chaarat Gold Holding
Executive Chairman
Chaarat Gold Holding

15:30 - NGMK future development plans
Director for Mineral resources
Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company

15:45 - Driving sustainability in the mining and metals with Planet Positive technologies
President, Minerals

Plenary Session 4
Financing the development of sustainable supply chains of critical materials and precious metals in Central Asia

While Central Asia offers immense mineral potential, challenges such as infrastructure development, evaluation of the investment projects using internationally accepted standards and investment in geological exploration should be addressed to fully capitalise on the region’s resource. This session aims to facilitate discussions on tangible actions and showcase examples of how international collaboration with the local and international financiers is unlocking critical raw materials potential across Central Asia.

Head of Business Development, EMEA
Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange
16:20 - KSE is a platform for interaction between the state, companies and investors
Kyrgyz Stock Exchange

16:35 - Current status of mineral resources reporting in the Kyrgyz Republic

16:50 - Mining and the international capital markets
Head of Business Development, EMEA
Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange

17:05 - Derisking the CRM Initiatives through Strategic Partnerships
CEO and Director of the Board
Aldridge Minerals and Tethys : Trans-Eurasian Gateway

17:20 - Sustainable investment and ESG best practices in the mining sector
Senior Partner
Embellie Advisory

Thursday, 20 June

Swedish mining excellence session
Prospects for partnership with Sweden in the field of mining, development of alternative energy sources, and climate change

Trade and economic ties between Sweden and Central Asian countries are actively developing. One of the priorities for intensifying cooperation is the reproduction of critical metals and minerals in the region to meet the needs of the European economy. The session will examine case studies and development plans for partnerships between Sweden and Central Asian nations, as well as introduce new cooperation opportunities with the major Swedish companies. 

Session organiser – Business Sweden

Trade Commissioner for Poland | Head of Türkiye | Country Manager for Poland, Romania and Eurasia
Business Sweden
09:30 - Sustainable Swedish Mining (video recording)
Technology and Innovation Manager
Swedish Mining Innovation

09:45 - ABB Ability Smart lift
Regional sales manager for mine hoisting machines in the CIS countries

10:00 - Bruxite wear steel for mining companies
Managing Director

UK mining excellence session
Technology and Investment Partnerships with the United Kingdom

The UK is the world’s leading financial, trade and technology hub. Shares of 175 mining companies are traded on the London Stock Exchange with a total capitalisation of $472 billion, or 16% of the global capitalisation. The annual turnover of the London Metal Exchange exceeds 15 trillion dollars.  In addition to investments, British companies offer advanced technologies and expertise in assessing and developing mineral deposits, increasing productivity, introducing alternative energy technologies, reducing the environmental impact of mining, water management, etc. The session will examine case studies and development plans for partnerships between the UK and Central Asian nations and introduce new cooperation opportunities with leading British companies and organisations. 

His Majesty Ambassador in Kyrgyz Republic
British Embassy Bishkek
11:30 - Navigating the pitfalls of project evaluation – the value of thorough due diligence and high quality technical studies
Corporate Consultant (Project Evaluation), Director
SRK Consulting (UK)

11:45 - Global Technical Assistance: Unearthing the Power of Geological Survey Organizations
Director of National and International Geoscience
British Geological Survey

12:00 - Chaarat Gold - Building a Leading Emerging Markets Gold Company
Technical manager
Chaarat Gold

12:15 - Finding the balance: A look at the Evolution of British Manufacturing and services.
Managing Director
Prolog Supply & Services

12:30 - Weir Minerals development and capabilities
Regional Sales Manager in Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan and Uzbekista
Weir Minerals

12:45 - Concrete Canvas
International Business Development Manager
United Concrete Canvas

Technology session 1
Innovations for Developing a More Intelligent and Efficient Geological Exploration
  • Increasing the reliability of the results of geological and technological testing in the mining and metallurgical industry in Central Asia.
  • Early-stage exploration activities: cost optimisation experience and implementation of modern technologies.
  • Cutting edge airborne geophysical technologies.
  • Driving sustainable practices through drilling Optimisation.
General director, Director by Geotechnics and Hydrogeology
CMT Consulting Kazakhstan
14:00 - Integration is the key to solving problems in exploration geology
Chief geophysist

14:15 - Modern geological exploration technologies
AGT Systems Vostok

14:30 - Modern geophysical equipment for geological exploration from GEODEVICE company
Geodevice Kazakhstan

14:45 - CHCNAV geotechnical radar application experience
General Director

15:00 - Describing services of Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories
Chief Chemist
Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories

Technical session 2
Solutions for Improving Production Efficiency and Risk Management in the Mining Industry

Identifying and analysing all technical and non-technical issues can help companies to bring the risks to an acceptable level, reduce the cost of finance and increase the overall value. The session will highlight some of the advanced Risk and Hazard Management assessment tools and technology-driven practices which helped companies to ensure sustainable growth and de-risking investments.

Session sponsor: ErAdia

Principal Consultant (Processing Engineer)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
16:00 - Enterprise production system to improve business efficiency: what KPIs and benchmarks need to be used to monitor implementation effectiveness
Director of Operational Efficiency

16:15 - Geotechnical risk assessment in the Design and Development of Deposits
General director, Director by Geotechnics and Hydrogeology
CMT Consulting Kazakhstan

16:30 - Improving efficiency and optimising gold extraction processes
Director, Hydrometallurgy

16:45 - Glycine Leaching Technology (GLT)
Eurasia Technology Leader
Draslovka Holding

17:00 - Anthropogenic deposits as input of the Kyrgyz Republic to just transition
Chief geologist
Kyrgyz National Reporting Organization

17:15 - Presentation of the company and its products
Commercial Director

Deputy Mill Manager
Kumtor Gold Company
Investment projects presentation
  • Investment Proposal for Rare Earth Metal Development from Ak-Tyuz Tailings Dumps.
  • Rare Earth Metals Development Opportunity at the Kutessai-II Deposit: A Strategic Investment Proposal.
17:45 - Innovative proposal for the production of rare earth metals

21-23 June

Visit to Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories and Kumtor Mine (21-22 June)

21 June (Friday)


Visit to Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories – Transfer to Kaji  Sai 

Company website

The testing laboratory of Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories LLC is an independent analytical laboratory with more than 25 years of experience in the geochemical services market. The company was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1996. The official opening of the laboratory was in August 1997. The main activity of the Company’s laboratory is technical testing, which includes sample preparation, geochemical analysis, analysis of environmental protection samples and metallurgical testing.


08.30    Departure from the Novotel Bishkek hotel to Kara-Balta (70 km)

10:00    Visit to the Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories

  • Occupational health and safety briefing
  • Lab Visit
  • Meetings with the laboratory management

11:30    Departure from the laboratory to the ethno-complex “Supara” (80 km)

13:00    Lunch at the ethno-complex Supara

14:30    Departure from the ethno-complex “Supara” to Kaji – Sai village (291 km)

19:30    Arrival to Kaji – Sai village. Check-in at the Natalia Hotel

20:00    Dinner at the Natalia Hotel


22 June (Saturday)


Visit to Kumtor Mine – Transfer to Bishkek Novotel

Company website

The Kumtor mine, located in the Kyrgyz Republic, is one of the largest gold mines in Central Asia. The deposit is approximately 350 kilometres away from Bishkek, the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic. It has been producing gold since 1997 and has yielded over 13.8 million ounces of gold as of June 30, 2022. The mine operates at an impressive altitude of 13,000 feet, making it the second-highest mine globally, surpassed only by Newmont Gold mine Yanacocha in Peru.  Kumtor is an open-pit mine situated in the southern region of the Central Tien-Shan, at an elevation of 4,000 meters above sea level. It operates in a permafrost zone.


05:30    Breakfast at the Hotel Natalia, check-out

06:00    Departure from the hotel on the route Kaji – Sai – Wave (134 km)

07:00    Departure by Volna-Rudnik special transport

09:00    Arrival at the mine. Passing the inspection at the K-15 checkpoint

09.30    Medical examination, introductory briefing, issuance of PPE kit: helmet, goggles, boots, jackets.

10:00    Welcome coffee at the mine administration. Meeting with the management.

11:00    Mining Machinery Workshop

11:40    Quarry: Central Quarry 3990 observation deck; Sary-Tor and the South-West.

12:10    Mill: control room, a tour of the mill sites

13:00    Lunch in the mine canteen. After lunch – departure to the lower sites

13:40    Petrov Lake. The observation deck next to the pumping station

14:00    Tailings dam

14:20    Handover of PPE kits at the mine administration. Passing the inspection, departure of the group from the mine to Bishkek

15:00    Departure of the group from the mine to Bishkek (420 km)

22:00    Arrival to Novotel Bishkek

Visit to Altynken and ErAdia (21 June)


About Altynken

Altynken website  

The Taldybulak Levoberezhny Gold Mine is some 120 km (75 miles) east of the capital Bishkek 

The Taldybulak Levoberezhny Gold Mine operated by Altynken, is the third-largest gold mine in Kyrgyzstan, located in the Westen Tianshan Mountain gold-copper mineralization zone, known as the Golden Belt of Central Asia. It has a throughput of 2,500 tonnes per day. Zijin Mining holds a 60% interest in the project, and Kyrgyzaltyn JSC holds the remaining 40%.

 About ErAdia

Corporate profile

The company specialises in producing and selling non-electric initiation systems and ⁠electronic detonators.

21 June (Friday)

09:00 Departure from Novotel Bishkek. Transfer to Taldybulak Levoberezhny Gold Mine 

11:00 Arrival to Taldybulak Levoberezhny Gold Mine. H&S briefing.  

11:00 Mine site visit.  

13:00 Lunch and informal meetings with the company management  

14:30 Departure for Bishkek  

15:30 Visit to historic nomadic site. Refreshments 

17:30 Arrival to Novotel Bishkek