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Post-event summary

Post-event summary

Post-event summary

Post-event summary

Post-event summary

MINEX Central Asia 2024

MINEX Central Asia 2024

MINEX Central Asia 2024

MINEX Central Asia 2024

MINEX Central Asia 2024

The 10th Mining and Exploration Forum “MINEX Central Asia” was held in Bishkek on 19-20 June 2024

The Forum brought together over 300 representatives from 148 organisations and companies from 24 countries to discuss the future and scenarios for sustainable development of the mining industry in Central Asia.

The Forum, held under the theme “Future and Scenarios for Sustainable Development of the Mining Industry in Central Asia”, was organised in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyz Republic.

Exploring and Learning

The Forum explored the prospects for sustainable development of the mining industry in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as well as the possibilities for more eco-friendly practices in the sector.

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Speakers welcomed the Forum participants on behalf of their Government, emphasising the commitment to supporting the country’s mining sector growth through partnerships, technology, and education.

The first plenary session

Drivers of the mining and metallurgical industry development in Central Asia in the new economic and geopolitical realities

Attracting foreign investment and implementing cutting-edge technologies are essential for maintaining competitiveness in the mining sector. Given that only a fraction of the metals mined in Central Asia are processed locally, the future of the mining industry in the region is tied to establishing “industrial hubs,” technology parks, and free economic zones. The session will offer a platform to showcase projects aimed at developing value-added production in Central Asian countries and to discuss the prospects for international trade and economic relations.

The first plenary session speakers

The second plenary session

Energy, Water and Climate Change Management – addressing critical challenges.

Due to faster warming than in other regions of the world, subsoil users in Central Asia will have to implement climate change and water management strategies much earlier. According to Harvard University studies, energy diversification is key to effectively addressing climate change and meeting the region’s growing energy demand. Energy resources account for approximately 30% of the total operating costs of mining enterprises. Companies can reduce energy consumption at existing facilities by 15-20% through effective energy management programs and achieve 50% energy savings in the design of new mines. Water is widely used in both underground and surface mining, about 40% in ore processing, about 40% in tailings dams and about 20% in dust control. To ensure the sustainability of mining and processing across the region, mining enterprises must develop water and climate management programs and integrate the best available practices and technologies.  To encourage investment in renewable energy sources, local governments should provide long-term assurances and extended planning timelines.

The second plenary session speakers

The third plenary session

Unleashing Mining Potential: the leading role of mining champions and international investors.

Central Asia is emerging as a global mining powerhouse, endowed with abundant rare earth metals and critical materials essential for the energy transition. Leading mining companies in the region leverage cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights to optimise operations, enhance efficiency, prioritise sustainability, and navigate challenges, showcasing Central Asia as a frontrunner in the global mining landscape.

The third plenary session speakers

The fourth plenary session

Financing the development of sustainable supply chains of critical materials and precious metals in Central Asia.

While Central Asia offers immense mineral potential, challenges such as infrastructure development, evaluation of investment projects using internationally accepted standards and investment in geological exploration should be addressed to fully capitalise on the region’s resources. The final session of the day facilitated discussions on tangible actions and showcased examples of how international collaboration with local and international financiers is unlocking critical raw materials potential across Central Asia.


The fourth plenary session speakers

The first day of the Forum concluded with the signing of the Partnership agreements and MoUs between the following companies and organisations:

The signing ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan, B. Töröbaev, and Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyzstan, M. Turgunbaev.  These signed documents will serve as a new impetus for the development of the mining industry in the country.

Gala Dinner

The first day of the Forum came to a close with a Gala Dinner that transported delegates back in time to the ancient nomadic traditions of Central Asia.

A pre-dinner drinks reception allowed guests to mingle and sample local teas and snacks that have been sustaining travellers on the Silk Road for centuries. The highlight of the evening was the unique teas infused with horse and camel milk, served by hosts dressed in traditional attire. The dinner that followed was a culinary fusion of national dishes, prepared using molecular gastronomy techniques that blended traditional cuisine with modern twists. The evening's entertainment, featuring folk music, dancing, and sword fighting, added to the festive atmosphere, reminiscent of the national festivals celebrated in Kyrgyz Republic. The Gala dinner not only introduced delegates to local customs and culture but also provided a relaxed setting for international and local delegates to connect and build relationships.




The second day of the Forum commenced with two country-focused sessions, where participants discussed the opportunities for companies from Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Swedish mining excellence session

Prospects for partnership with Sweden in the field of mining, development of alternative energy sources, and climate change

The Swedish mining excellence session was organised in partnership with Business Sweden – an enterprise jointly owned by the Swedish state and the Swedish business sector with a mandate and a mission to help international companies gain access to the Swedish market and help domestic ones utilise it as a platform for expansion.


The Swedish mining excellence session speakers

UK mining excellence session

Technology and Investment Partnerships with the United Kingdom

The next country-focused session addressed Technology and Investment Partnership opportunities with British companies and Organisations.


The UK mining excellence session speakers

Technology session 1

Innovations for Developing a More Intelligent and Efficient Geological Exploration

The first tech session discussed Innovations for Developing a More Intelligent and Efficient Geological Exploration.


The first tech session speakers

Technology session 2

Solutions for Improving Production Efficiency and Risk Management in the Mining Industry

Sponsored by Eradia the second technical session addressed modern practices for Improving Production Efficiency and Risk Management in the Mining Industry.


The second tech session speakers

Investment projects presentation

Innovative proposal for the production of rare earth metals

The Forum concluded with the presentation of investment projects presented by Arkady Rogalsky, Counselor, Kyrgyzgeology.

This presentation introduced the Kyrgyz Republic’s initiative to develop its critical raw materials (CRM) sector, particularly focusing on rare earth elements (REE). The state enterprise “Kyrgyzgeology” plans to rehabilitate the abandoned Kyrgyz mining and processing plant in Kemin, which operated from 1942 and produced various REE oxides. The project aims to tap into anthropogenic resources from four tailings, estimated to contain significant reserves of lead, zinc, silver, gold, and other valuable metals. The initiative is part of a broader national project to boost the economy through the extraction of polymetals and rare earth elements, as decreed by the President of Kyrgyzstan in January 2024. The presentation emphasises the importance of CRMs in modern technology and highlights the need for sustainable development of these resources to support high-tech industries and economic growth in Kyrgyzstan.



20-21 JUNE


Following the successful conclusion of the MINEX Central Asia 2024 Forum, a series of site visits have been organised to give attendees an up-close and personal look at some of the region’s most innovative and advanced mining operations.

Stewart Assay & Environmental Laboratories > Kumtor Gold > Altynken > ErAdia

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Altyynken Mine operated by Kyrgyzaltyn and Zijin Gold, is a world-class copper and gold mine.Open photos »
Kumtor Gold – the second-highest gold mine in the world.Open photos »
Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories – an independent analytical lab with over 25 years of experience in geochemical services.Open photos »

Engagement and Business Development opportunities.

Participants were able to engage in meaningful discussions with the managers of the local companies, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the Kyrgyz mining industry today, and discuss cooperation opportunities.

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